Hey! My name is Lisa Michele and I'm an entrepreneur and online business coach. I help women start and grow their online businesses using content and email marketing. Ready to replace your full-time income while doing something you love?Let me show you how to start building your digital products empire with content and email marketing while having fun! Visit the Passive Income Group blog and podcast. To grow faster and with more focus, learn more about our I Love Mondays goal setting and accountability club! Contact me for details.
Want a Better Way to Create Books for Amazon KDP? This is just too easy to pass up...
Published 7 months ago • 1 min read
Hi Reader, If you sell low and medium content books on Amazon KDP, chances are you're wondering how to create the perfect, best-selling book. I recently uploaded a video tutorial on YouTube showing how you can upgrade coloring books or any book, really using AI. I've used ChatpGPT before, but not like this. This is just one way I plan to level up any Amazon KDP book I create in the future, with more engaging features that will make them more eye-catching, valuable, and unique. If you'd like...
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